Friday, January 2, 2009

What you've all been waiting for.

it's been 2 years since my previous blog came to a sorry end. So here I am again for your reading pleasure.
What are your new year's resolutions? Usually I make them and they don't happen. But 2009 is pretty magical so far, and I sense that its mysterious ways will allow me to stick to my goals with a resolve and determination far more powerful than has ever existed before.

So, here are my top 3 resolutions:

#1) Have a good attitude. This may seem really boring and grandma-ish, but it's not! Most people probably think I'm an upbeat person, seeing as how I love to laugh at things, and I have a cute smile. However, I find it really easy to complain about things and just generally think that things suck. So I'm going to try to look on the bright side, ensure my glass is always at least half full, and be thankful for the good things in my life.

#2) Get a better, higher-paying, cooler job. Ok, truthfully, I like my current job. But it pays next to nothing, and at this rate, I'll still be living in a tiny apartment when I'm 45, and this is not the goal at all. I plan to achieve this goal by updating my resume, possibly printing it out on some neon-coloured paper, and sending it to the top 100 companies in Canada. Or else simply "networking". We'll see how it goes.

#3) Get in shape. Right now on the scale of inshapeness, one being completely sedentary and 10 being a marathon runner, I think I'm maybe about a 3 or 4. NOT COOL, people. Exercise can extend your life by YEARS. Plus, my tiny mom is way more in shape than me and can run for miles, and I can't let her show me up like that. I've already signed up for a "Learn to Run" course starting next week. My mom thinks I won't be able to do it. So when my legs fall off from the cold, I can't call her to complain. I have high hopes for this resolution, even though cardiovascular exercise is pretty much the worst thing ever.

And there you have it: my inspirational, motivational, super sensational resolutions. See you next time!

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