Thursday, April 30, 2009

Another rainy night in the T-dot.

Hello out there. Just got home from some ventures I'll explain in a moment. The taste of my third chocolate cupcake is still lingering, and I gotta say, I'm regretting it just a bit. I've sort of been on this healthy eating kick lately, but today I just lost the dedication, and tonight has been filled with cupcakes, and also some ice cream.

Work sucked big time because things are super busy these days. Clients and non-clients alike call in with lame questions that take up tons of time. The most annoying thing is being asked if I'm free, when I'm clearly in the middle of something and NOT FREE. Know what I mean? Good laughs are usually had at work though, so that makes up for it.

After work I went to the grocery store to pick up some items, then met up with 4 of my friends at a nearby church where we cooked and served dinner for about 40 people from the neighborhood who are "down on their luck", if you know what I mean. It was pretty fun and we made them an amazing and tasty meal consisting of rice with beans and corn in it, and tacos with all the fixin's. And ice cream for dessert! I ate lots of ice cream. Blarg!

Then I came home, popped next door to the laundromat (actually it's 4 doors down, but who cares), fed the machines some loonies, then came back home. I gotta go back there right away to see if the clothes are clean and make sure no one steals them. Usually I sit and read a book while the clothes are spinning, but today I thought to myself, I don't want to spend my time in this dumb laundromat. So i'll just trust people not to take my socks and underwear. I'll let you know how it goes.

Weekend plans are shaping up at this point in the week. First on the list is to diss this Swine Flu at every opportunity. Don't even get me started on this, guys. Seriously, it's just another media ploy. I remember when I was about 13 or 14, living in the town of Edmonton, Alberta, there was this big scare about some kind of disease you could get by inhaling mouse turds. People could actually die from it, so there was this huge uproar about not going into your garage or doghouse or wherever mouse turds could be. Now I'm not saying Swine Flu is on the same level as this mouse turd thing, but the whole point is that the media on the whole likes to SCARE the population, and I feel that's what's goin on here.

Anyways! This weekend will see me travelling back to the Niagara region for a hair appointment, a party at my friend Colin's house, and most importantly, my dad's 60th bday bash. It's gonna be NUTS!!! I'll keep you guys posted. Gotta go check the laundry now.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Best thing I ate this weekend: Paska made by my mom.

Worst thing I ate this weekend: Paska made by some old lady at my parents' church that tasted like play-doh and poison.

Time I was happiest this weekend: Mostly all of it, but especially when I was reading/napping, or eating good food. Also when I laughed at a story this chick told me about being sick in India and the doctors shoving an orange in her face to cure the nausea.

Time I was the saddest this weekend: When my dad told me about how their cat killed a female yellow finch, and the male finch sat on the porch for a super long time just staring and waiting for its dead mate to return.

Time I was the most frustrated this weekend: Going for an early morning run on Saturday and practically being blown into the canal by the excessive ridiculous wind, and also being freezing and having to work thrice as hard as usual to run against the stupid wind, and also dodging huge piles of disgusting goose poo on the sidewalk. Ugggh worst run ever.

Best thing I watched this weekend: I love you man

Worst thing I watched this weekend: golf

Most interesting conversation this weekend: Discussing with dad whether Jesus' body vaporized out of the tomb, then moving on to souls and how they get to heaven, and my dad saying that sometimes airplanes hit souls when they're on their way to heaven. He was kidding, I think.

Worst conversation this weekend: When my brother and I went to a seedy bar and my brother's friend called me by the name of my brother's ex-girlfriend. Soooooo awkward.

Best song I listened to this weekend: Help I'm alive by metric.

Worst song I listened to this weekend: Crazy country gospel crap that was on the radio.

Time I realized I'm turning into a senior this weekend: When my ear hurt and crackled just from the noise of old ladies singing in church.

Time I realized I'm turning into my mom this weekend: When my mom told me I'm turning into her. And when she told me that my laugh sounds just like hers and is almost as loud.

Amount of times I dropped pieces of food on the floor while helping mom prepare meals this weekend: Approximately 37.

Amount of times I smiled this weekend: A gazillion.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Saturday.

Hello! This morning I went for a nice little run using my new "Nike+ Sport" attachment, but that's not what I'm here to talk about.

First order of business: The Toronto Bus Terminal. This has got to be the most chaotic, poorly-run transportation system in a major North American city. I arrived there around 9pm on Friday night, got in line, and stepped up to a ticket booth around 9:07. Spent $22 and change on a bus ticket to St. Catharines, and asked ticket booth guy if I could still get on the 9:15 bus. He said, "Sure you can." I went outside to lineup #3, and assessed the situation by asking a number of people in line which bus they were waiting for - some said St. Catharines, some said Peterborough. One of the St. Catharines girls in line asked the bus driver if that was the St. Catharines bus, and he confirmed that it was, but it was full. Great.

So, me and the 4 other St. Catharines people in line went back inside, waited in the ticket line again, and exchanged our tickets for the 9:30 bus. Heading back outside to lineup #1, we saw at least 100 people already in this line. We joined the end of it and waited. Waited. Waited. W A I T E D. FINALLY a bus pulled up at 10, loaded half the people on, and then some genius figured out that there were WAY too many people waiting there, and another bus pulled up at 10:20 which the rest of us crowded onto. Keep in mind, that bus was supposed to leave at 9:30. So I did finally make it into St. Catharines at almost midnight that night, but in a bit of a sour mood, and freezing because the bus driver clearly thought that the 3-degree weather outside warranted blasting the air conditioning for the entire trip.

The annoying thing is this: WHY the heck did they sell so many tickets? I've come to the conclusion that there is NO logic going on here at all. The ticket guys inside are using these Apple II-E computers, circa 1985, where they just select the destination city and print out a ticket. I am absolutely convinced there is no correlation between how many tickets they sell and how many seats are available on a bus. They just keep taking the money and printing the tickets out, giving NO THOUGHT WHATSOEVER to how many people may be trying to get onto one bus. I mean, COME ON, you guys. There are over 100 people outside lined up for one bus, and you're STILL thinking it's a good idea to sell more tickets for that bus? Wouldn't that tiny customer service gland inside you make you want to actually inform someone that they may be better off coming back in an hour or two when they can actually buy a ticket and step onto the bus for which they bought the ticket? JUST A THOUGHT.

During the bus ride, I had the opportunity to listen to my ipod. I recently picked up two new albums that I'm thoroughly enjoying. Want to know which ones?

Those two. They are solid, solid albums that I'm loving right now. So if you like good music, you may like these. I was going to say a lot more about these two bands and how much I love their music, but I haven't got it in me. I'm going to go stuff myself with more Easter items such as paska (sweet bread covered in icing... mmmm.) Then I'll read a book and fall asleep on the couch. I know you envy me. You too could have an afternoon like this - just do it!