Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the WHAT?

That's right. Friday the 13th. I wonder if anyone's actually scared of this day. Apparently there's a phobia called paraskavedekatriaphobia, but I mean, COME ON. Who's scared of an actual day?

Upon arriving at work this morning, there were small triangular boxes on some desks. They're red and say "Love is in the air at WaterPark Place" on them, and each one houses a heart-shaped chocolate. Apparently the distribution of these treats was completely arbitrary (possibly done by the overnight cleaning lady) but some people have felt insulted and dare I say outraged at the fact that they did not receive a chocolate. Things are getting petty here. By the way, WaterPark Place is the name of our building, and it sounds a lot more exciting than it really is. In theory, you'd think there would be waterslides instead of elevators - for going DOWN at least. But sadly, this is not the case.

I'm going home to St. Catharines tonight to visit my fam, as well as my aunt Linda who's visiting from BRITISH COLUMBIA. She brought a salmon along. She usually does. And tonight, we shall feast.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Friday Cara.

Around the office, on Fridays, I'm known as "Friday Cara." Probably not the most creative nickname in the world, but everyone knows that this means I'm more hyper and laugh-y (and probably more annoying) on Fridays. I just get so darn excited for the weekend, folks!

So many people who work here are hilarious, so I have a hard time not laughing a lot. Also, I find that a lot of us are eerily similar in that a large majority of us enjoy reading and writing. If I compare my work friends with my non-work friends, the percentage of those who like reading and writing versus those who don't is absolutely staggering. I guess that's why us "work friends" all picked a job that consists mostly of reading.

Last night my brother came over for supper and I made garlic bread, spaghetti, meat sauce, and ceasar salad. Such a great meal. I generally don't make an actual supper if it's just me at home. I'll just eat whatever happens to be lying around the kitchen. Examples of typical suppers for me include:

- a bowl of cereal
- raw cookie dough
- fried eggs
- rice
- chips and salsa

None of those things should normally constitute a meal in themselves, and yet in my world, that's exactly what they've become. Part of the problem is that I despise leftovers, so if I make real food, there WILL be leftovers. My goal this year should be to learn to like leftovers. It'd make things a whole heck of a lot easier, because then when lunchtime rolls around at work, I could pull out a tupperware container with LEFTOVERS in it, instead of scrounging in my drawers and eating some old crackers and a few almonds.

Enjoy your weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 2, 2009


In lieu of writing a new post, I'm just going to copy and paste the "25 things" note I just published on facebook. It's just a list of 25 things you've always wanted to know about me. I promise to be more creative soon.

1. I think a ton of things are funny. I laugh a lot, which is generally a good thing, but often suppress laughter because people will think I'm faking it, or a ditz, neither of which are true.

2. I absolutely hate the smell of cigarette smoke, am horribly allergic to it, and think smoking is the dirtiest, most disgusting habit on the planet. I also often feel compelled to share these views with people who probably don't want to hear my opinions. So, if you're a smoker and I've harrassed you, I'm sorry.

3. I just came back from my 3rd caribbean cruise and it was glorious. The reason I love cruises is because you get to see a ton of cool places instead of just sitting at one resort all week. Plus people wait on you constantly and it's fun to be treated like royalty.

4. My hair is currently its natural colour, which it hasn't been since high school, and it's gotten darker since then. I've had every hair colour under the rainbow in the last 10 years and can't decide which was best.

5. I am always, always cold.

6. I like cooking and baking for other people but not for just me. That's the part that stinks about living alone.

7. When I lived and worked in Namibia for a year, I really wanted to quit because it was so hard and I got so down, and pretty much the only thing that kept me going was the fact that I'd told so many people I was going for a year, and wanted to be able to say I'd done it. I'm not as strong as I seem.

8. I have hyperextendible elbows, ankles, thumbs, and wrists.

9. I often crave cake.

10. I would way rather read a good book than watch a movie.

11. Bad coffee is worse than no coffee at all.

12. I'm pretty blunt and people sometimes think I'm rude, but I'm not intending to be.... I just value honestly a ton. I can't handle it when people are fake-nice.

13. I think people that are ambitious and like learning new things are one thousand times more interesting than those who keep doing the same thing day in and day out.

14. I was a super shy kid and teenager and only started acting normal and somewhat extroverted when I was about 18.

15. If I had a gazillion dollars, I'd probably buy a new item of clothing every day.

16. I've had surgery on my big toes twice. Also, I'm practically immune to anasthaesia and once woke up while I was put out under general anaesthetic.

17. I am super scared of alligators and crocodiles. When I was little I had nightmares about them and I still think they're extremely freaky. I think this would prevent me from ever living in Florida.

18. I am sick of being told that I look like I'm 16. This is not a compliment.

19. Going to shows/concerts isn't really fun for me anymore. I think I'm probably turning into a senior. The music always seems too loud and standing for 2 hours is 2 hours too long.

20. When I was 5, I thought that babies were born by coming out of their mother's shoulder. My mom explained to me numerous times how it all worked, yet I still thought this was how it happened.

21. When I was in high school, I thought I'd be married by 23. Now I'm so glad I didn't get married at that age.

22. I'm tempted to "charge the doors" on the TTC.

23. When I was 12, I asked for an agent for Christmas, because I truly thought I could be a famous actress if only I had someone to represent me.

24. Pie doesn't appeal to me.

25. I need to remember not to expect more from people than they can give.