Tuesday, December 14, 2010


My blog needs a new name. Submissions welcomed. The person who submits the winning name will receive a batch of cookies of their choice, baked by me.


  1. I like the red. So. Ideas.

    First, taking inspiration from classic TV:
    a) Full House of Humour.
    b) Baywatching in Toronto.
    c) Family Matters to Me.
    d) Step by Step: Cara's Life.

    Okay, those weren't funny at all.

    1) yello / hello.
    2) opinions (cool, amazing ones).
    3) post scripts.
    4) prosaic adrenaline.*

    I'm terrible at titling, which includes naming blogs; that's how I ended up with olivegreenlimegreenevergreen as my url.

    * That's a very bad play on Audio Adrenaline. Ew.

  2. I like Step by Step: Cara's Life

    As I was biking home from work, I sang some of that song as if sung by you. Also, "I want it that way"

    Actually, that'd be a good name for the blog, too!

  3. hey, woah, wait. does this mean i win cookies?
