Welcome to a new era in my blogging life. I AM GOING TO START BLOGGING NOW, FOR REAL. I know that the three of you who regularly read this blog have stated several times that I should write far more frequently than I have been. The spark of motivation arrived on my doorstep this morning, and my brain exploded with ideas. Also, I looked at other people's blogs and was jealous of their commitment to blogging and their creativity, and I want to be like them!
So. Today's topic is, THE DETOX. Today is Day 9 of my 12-day Detox Adventure. I embarked on this project because I know I don't have the healthiest eating habits, and wanted to see if two weeks of really healthful eating would make any difference in my life.
There are some herbal supplements involved, but I really don't think they're doing anything for me. The diet consists of mainly vegetables. Some fruits are allowed but none of the good ones - my favourite fruits are bananas, oranges, and kiwi, but they are considered "tropical" and not allowed. The diet also allows unlimited amounts of fish, brown rice, and almonds. You can also have beans, lentils, eggs, and meat, but not a lot (only 20% of the diet should be made up of these.)
When I first started, I thought it would be two weeks of pure torture and that I'd be stuck eating salads for every meal - and gross salads at that, because you can't even have vinegar, which, mixed with EVOO (extra-virgin olive oil) is my absolute favourite salad dressing. But I've realised there are actually a lot of meal options. For breakfast I've been having eggs (except for today - more in a moment), lunch has been lentils and rice, snack of an apple or some rice cakes, and then vegetable soup for dinner. With a few variations, that's pretty much been my diet for the last 8 days.
I thought I would miss bread the most, because I generally eat some form of bread every day, and at more than one meal. I haven't really missed it at all, except when the office ordered Swiss Chalet for us last week, and I couldn't have the bun along with my salad and chicken. I seriously love those little Swiss Chalet rolls..... so so so so yummy. But other than that I've been fine and not at all tempted by bread. The most difficult things have been the lack of sugar, and the lack of alcohol. I'm used to eating something sugary - a cookie or something chocolatey - at the end of every lunch and dinner. Not the best habit, but that's what I do. My meals now never feel complete and I just don't feel "done" or satisfied at all without my little sweet at the end. I've also missed white wine. I didn't realise how accustomed I was to having a glass of wine in the evenings, either while I'm getting dinner ready or else later on.
The most prominent observation I've had through this whole thing has been my energy level. Generally, especially now in the freezing months, I'm a tired person. I'm not non-energetic, but I could always do with a nap. On the weekends I
always make sure to take a 2-hour nap on one of the days, preferably both, just so I feel well-rested going into Monday. During the week, while sitting at my desk, I'm usually yawning throughout the day and wishing I was napping. But the past 8 days, especially the last few days, my energy level has been great. I even tried to lay down for a nap on Sunday and COULDN'T SLEEP. Which has never ever happened to me in the history of my life. I haven't yawned at work at ALL. It's remarkable. It really makes me wonder what the source is... not having sugar in my system? Not eating flour/bread? I wish I knew.... I do plan to go back to eating a semi-normal diet as of Friday, but I will definitely incorporate more of the low-carb meals that I've been eating in hopes that the energy levels will continue.
Oh - so about today's breakfast. There were all these signs in the lobby of our office building the last few days, inviting people to come to a FREE HOLIDAY BREAKFAST today. I came in an hour early to enjoy the spoils and spend some time studying for an exam I have tonight. I walked into the building, hopes held high, expecting, perhaps, some eggs, potatoes, toast - standard breakfast fare. At least something hot. Instead my ears were blasted by a bleach-blonde male saxaphone player's antics in the corner while I was handed a cardboard box tied with a silver ribbon. Hmmmmm. I picked up a cup of coffee (poured out of a samovar - weird - I believe those are only for tea), and went upstairs to open this "breakfast". 4 things were inside: a sad, limp croissant, a small grease-soaked muffin, a hard cookie with green stuff on it, and an old-looking rectangular brownie. It was so pathetic and anticlimactic! I obviously couldn't eat any of it, and had to settle for the bruised apple in my purse. What a disappointment. You really broke my heart, Oxford Properties. I appreciate the effort, but next year, please give us something non-processed - or at least HOT. Thank you.