Friday, May 27, 2011

My take on NKOTBSB's Mash Up track.

Okay. When I first heard about NKOTBSB, obviously I realized it was this huge ploy to get females my age to relive their childhood and buy the new albums and go to the concerts. That's fine. I don't mind at all. I have very fond memories of both NKOTB and BSB.


If you're going to do this whole thing, bring back all these guys, actually legitimately try to market this thing and make a few dollars off these washed-up dudes, then DO IT RIGHT. Meaning, get a talented producer, good sound effects, good studio mixers, etc.

This was the product that was produced: (I recommend you listen to the whole song to get the full effect of my upcoming critiques).

I think we can agree: the song is HORRIBLE. I was honestly expecting something sort of good. Here are my top 3 beefs with this song:

1. Sloppy transitions. Whoever decided to do this mash-up had a good idea in theory, but didn't put more than half an hour of thought into how all the songs would fit together. Technically, I believe the definition of "mash-up" is that the songs are mashed together, maybe even somewhat seamlessly? This is more like various song clips sloppily stuck together with awkward pauses in between.

2. Brutal singing. I mean, come on guys. And, come on marketing guys! Yes, you need to have all the former members of the two bands in this new group - but do they really all have to sing? You couldn't have invested in some voice lessons, or just let the few talented singers step up to the plate?

3. PRODUCTION QUALITY: my largest beef. So the guys can't sing: FIX THEIR VOICES. And why not use the authentic sound effects from the original songs, instead of trying to 2011-ize them by making the whole song sound more modern and therefore less fun? I feel like I'm not explaining this accurately. But the whole thing just sounds like one of those "Starlight Productions" albums where it's like, "In the style of ABBA!" and not ACTUALLY them, you know? They sort of made an effort to sound like the original but don't even come close.
I WANTED original sound effects.

I am constantly puzzled by this mash-up, which really had potential to be a great nostalgic dance track and ballad all in one. Instead it's just an embarrassing talentless mess. Sorry guys.


  1. I would like you do a series of posts about NKOTBSB. Seriously. Like, analyze their lyrics or something. It'd be hilarious.

  2. This is a mashup that doesn't translate as well to "vinyl" as it does live. When all the guys are singing this live, it IS a great mashup-and knocked the socks off everyone at the AMA's. But the vinyl version was only created in the studio with bits from the original previously recorded Backstreet ( but then, could you really improve on the original? Esp with Brian's present dodgey voice?) and newly recorded NKOTB ( they must have all been TEN when they were at their peak-no dropped balls at all). All newly recorded bits were done one by one--it really could have used everyone, all together in the studio to attempt the atmosphere created at the AMAs.
    I'm disappointed by the album also. They let their fans pick the songs, but a Backstreet greatest hits and no Show Me The Meaning? No Shape Of My Heart? What the heck. Show Me The Meaning only had a Grammy nomination all by its lonesome-why should we ever include it? Idiocy.

    I would have loved more than two new songs. I mean if you are going to do it, do as much of it as you can. Especially since the song Don't Turn Out The Lights is great!! More of that PLEASE!!!
