Lately I've been attending the lovely University of Toronto, working towards my Certified Human Resources Professional degree. I haven't had any luck trying to break into the elusive world of HR yet. It's odd, because a lot of people in my classes are already working in HR, without having a solid knowledge base or any experience at all. I know that I'm a pretty quick learner and a really hard worker, so what do they have that I don't? Probably just luck.
Today I went to the new Loblaw's at Maple Leaf Gardens. I probably stop in there about 3-4 times a week, since it's right across the street, and it's the best grocery store I've ever experienced. I had to get some of the usuals, like eggs and other boring things, but I also had a hankering for some earl grey tea WITH ROSES. After going with my lovely friend Erin to the Windsor Arms Hotel last week for high tea, I can't stop thinking about how incredibly tasty that tea was.
The great thing about the new Loblaw's is they have all these specialized little sections for anything you could possibly want, and one of them is a tea section. Aside from the disgusting-looking clump of what looks like manure that is always prominently displayed on the counter, the tea section is pretty delightful. They always have free samples and when you start asking about a certain type of tea, they'll take down a bunch for you to sniff. I love smelling things and usually my love of smelling things makes people look at me a little oddly. BUT, at the tea section you are ENCOURAGED to take a huge whiff, which is so fun. I discovered a little gem called "Blend 103", which smelled incredible, and promises to be a "delicate blend" of teas (including earl grey) along with rose petals. I haven't tried it yet but I'm really excited to see if it tastes as good as it smells!!!!
Now I have to finish my accounting homework and bake some banana bread. Sayonara.