Monday, April 2, 2012


Hey crew, hope your weekend was one of the best ever. Here's a little rundown for you: on Friday night, the gang and I went to Highway 61 Southern BBQ on Bayview for a whole lotta meat. We had to wait a pretty long time to get a table, but it ended up being worth it because this was one of the best meals I've had in an extremely long time. I ordered the baby back ribs with bourbon sauce, and shared with my sis Joy who had the beef brisket. Both were AMAZING. To the point where my sleeves were pretty much covered in sauce because I was yamming it in like a crazy person. Here's my friendo Will enjoying some meat (photo cred: TJ Goertz).

I think the enjoyment of all the meat was majorly enhanced by the music and the environment. It was this really hot upper room with low ceilings and wooden walls. The staff were all incredibly friendly and upbeat and awesome. When Mel ordered another pint of whatever beer she was drinking, they brought her a glass three-quarters full and said it was on the house because it was the end of the keg. Stuff like that is just nice, you know? Oh, and so there was this incredible folky band playing.... I can't remember what they were called and I really don't like that type of music generally. But it just fit the atmosphere and the food so well! The singer's voice was so amazing and we couldn't get over how good they were. I yelled out "We like you guys" between songs at one point, and that went over pretty well.

So Friday night was solid all-around. Saturday was really busy and ended with a great birthday party in the previously unexplored Long Branch neighborhood. I met this 4 year old named Maya there (the one kid at the party), and she was pretty hilarious. I told her I knew a baby named Maya, and she said, "So when that baby grows up, she'll have the same name as me." I told her she was right, but that the baby already does have the same name as her. I don't know if that really made sense to her though. Maybe in her mind babies are nameless until they get a little older.

And NOW I am dealing with a whole bunch of school idiocracy and trying to figure out what to do when you realize your group member is plagiarizing. Good times. Have a great Monday!

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